The best Local Business in​

Alum Rock

Explore the Greatest places in the city, you won’t be disappointed!​

Best thing to do in Alum Rock

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Business Members

The alum Rock Business corridor

Covers historic “Little Portugal”, With the Mexican Heritage Plaza at its center and is home to over 395 small business, which provide over 1,750 local jobs. ARSCSBA has approximately 135 business members.

ARSCSBA does not charge a membership fee to its member and ALL services provided by ARSCSBA are FREE of charge.

We promote your small business

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.......Local Jobs.......

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Small Business


We are dedicated to providing small business members with Advocacy, to connecting them to resources and tools that will help them thrive. By promoting businesses within our boundaries, preserving their unique cultural identity & creating a safe corridor
Promoting Businesses
Connecting to Resources​


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5 de Mayo

29 mayo, 2024/

5 de Mayo parade along our Alum Rock Santa Clara Street Business Association corridor… creating places where we can thrive,…

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